Connection Groups

New Life Baptist Church believes that one of the best ways to grow in Christ is to fellowship with other believers in a more intimate setting separate from corporate worship on Sunday mornings. To further that goal, we have established several small groups—Connection Groups—that meet together at various times during the month to "connect" in four ways:

  1. With one another — developing close friendships with other Christians that will enrich our lives.

  2. With the community — reaching out to Greencastle/Putnam County through monthly service projects that will give us opportunities to share the gospel with others outside our church walls.

  3. With the Word — getting deeper into God's Word as we follow our Pastor's sermon topics and discuss together extra Bible passages that help shed light on God's messages for us.

  4. With God — praying together for lost people, our community, missionaries and other concerns we share one with another.

If you think this ministry might fulfill a need in your life, we encourage you to get plugged in.

Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast occurs at 7 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Our men's ministry exists to equip men to know the Savior and empower them to lead others to know Him. Not only do we get together for breakfast once a month, but gather for other special events as well. We believe that the church, the family and the community need men who are committed to the teachings of the Bible and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to send them into each of these arenas to spread the Good News. Join us as we grow and serve together!

Jail Ministry

We provide jail ministry for men and women in Putnam County. Every Thursday evening our team of volunteers lead a Bible study at the Putnam County Jail. It is our desire to show the love of Christ and offer a hope that can only be found in Him. If you are interested in serving in Jail Ministry, contact the church office for more information.


As women of New Life, we exalt the Lord Jesus Christ in all we do by providing opportunities that encourage and challenge women to deepen their relationship with Christ and each other “so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:10). Meeting times and location varies. Click here for more information.

Woman to Woman Mentoring Program

Consider forming a new one-on-one relationship that will strengthen and deepen your relationship with Christ. Mentoring is available for women of every age and season of life. Click here for more information.

Young at Heart

Young at Heart welcome anyone 50 years old or older. We gather at the church for pitch-in meals, fun, prayer and enjoy God's Word together. We desire to further God's kingdom, our church and community by serving Him through the talents He has given us. We meet the second Tuesday of every month at noon. Click here for more information.