Topic: Do the demons fear you?
The name of Jesus was well known to the Devil and to the other demons. After all, they had been in battle with Jesus on numerous occasions.
Topic: Simplistically, Jesus
Nothing can be added to salvation by grace, and it still be grace. It cannot be grace plus baptism or grace plus works.
Topic: The Protective Role of the Holy Spirit
God's love for us is so great that He sent His Holy Spirit to guide us, to convict us and to help us live lives that are pleasing to Him.
Topic: Christ Alone
Two thousand years ago, Christ was nailed to a wooden tree as God declared to the world that salvation is through His Son, Jesus the Christ, and through Him alone!
Topic: No Great Joy (III John)
John wants to see people walking with Christ. He rejoices when he sees it happening. There is no greater joy than that.
Hungering for God in Fasting and Prayer
Why am I doing this? Is it due to a real hunger for God—to know and honor Him? Or, am I looking for praise and approval of man?
Topic: Do you know the Bible?
More and more in our culture, we are having trouble with the line between what is true and what is false.
Topic: First John
If we take the words written by John and apply them to our daily lives, we will know we have eternal life.
Topic: Fellowship with God
He took our sin upon Himself. He laid down His life for us. It was not taken. He freely gave Himself to bridge that gap to restore our fellowship with God.
Topic: Doubtful to Faithful
He started as a skeptic and a doubter but ended up making the most profound statement ever—a declaration of faith in Jesus!
The Love of God
If you were the only one on earth, He still would have sent His son for you. Let that sink in.
Topic: Crown of Thorns (John 19)
Jesus gave the world a gift. His self-sacrifice came about so that we wouldn’t have to experience the punishment that sin deserves. And through His resurrection, we have hope to experience that love eternally.
Topic: Jesus Is…
Jesus is the door to salvation, security and abundant life. But a door only benefits you if you walk through it. Have you entered the door of salvation? Are you resting in His security? Are you experiencing the abundant life He promises?
Topic: Jesu said, “I am the Bread of Life”
Jesus says “I am the bread of life.” I’ve been sent here by my Father to provide what you need for the sustenance of your soul. I’ve come to give you what you need for eternal life.
Topic: Lamb of God (John 1:29-37)
What does it mean that Jesus is the Lamb who takes away sin?
Topic: Praise the Lord!
How do you praise? Do you sing, dance, or shout? Do you play an instrument? Are you alone? In a group? At home? In the car?
Topic: Call Upon God in Truth
Psalm 145:18, “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.”
How Wonderful!
‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year…’ or so the popular Christmas tune goes.
Topic: Words
A.W. Tozer quote, "What comes out of our mouths is determined by what goes into our minds." This quote underscores the importance of filling our minds with God's Word, so that our speech may reflect His love, His truth, and His grace.
Topic: God’s protection
May we rest in the assurance of God’s unfailing protection, knowing that His hedge surrounds us always, keeping us safe in His loving care.
Topic: Ready for Christmas
As a candy maker, this man prayed to find a way that he could offer local children a Christmas gift that would allow him to communicate the real story of Christmas.
Topic: God’s Unending Love
As we immerse ourselves in the divine truth of God's never-ending care, we find ourselves wrapped in a blanket of divine assurance. This assurance is not a fleeting feeling, but a solid rock on which we can stand. It's a promise that God's care for us is ceaseless, tireless and unending.
Topic: God promises to do something new!
No good thing hath God withheld from us. His praise shall continually be in our mouths.
Topic: News Worth Sharing (Isaiah 40:28-31)
Maybe you’re going through the worst problems you’ve ever faced in your life. You feel that all hope is lost and your whole life has become a train wreck. You pray, but there is only silence from Heaven. Don’t be distraught, God has great news for you today.
He is with you wherever you go! He’s not asking you to have all the answers. That’s the beauty of it friends. He’s asking us to trust that HE does!
Topic: Favor of God
This favor is not a guarantee of a trouble-free life, but rather, it is the assurance of God's presence, guidance and sustenance in the midst of our troubles.
Topic: Who is in Control?
What a powerful truth for us today! When we go through life changes and experience uncertainty or conflict in our country, God assures us that Christ is King and Lord of all.
Topic: The Majesty of God
When Isaiah saw the majesty of God, there came burning in his heart a desire to be used of God, to have a part in God's glorious work. There is no greater hunger than the hunger to be used of God.
Topic: The Invitation of God
The message of Isaiah is a powerful reminder of God's invitation to us. He's not just inviting us to believe in Him, but to become something new through Him.
Overwhelmed. Just the word itself can bring on anxiety. What if we chose to be overwhelmed with God’s love for us?