Just a Thought

Topic: Fear of the Lord (Psalm 25)

What are our greatest fears? How will I meet the bills next month? Who will I marry? Are there enough groceries for tomorrow? These types of fears will dictate how we live our lives. It is not until our chief fear is the fear of the Lord that we will live our lives fully for God.

Isaiah 33:6 speaks of the fear of the Lord being a treasure. Matthew 6:21 says that where your treasure is there your heart will be also. So, the thing you fear the most will dictate how you live your life. If it is God that you fear most then your life will become filled with worship and service for God.

Psalm 24 and 25 are written as a reflection of moving the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6).

On two different occasions David tried to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. The first time he moved it as if it were a piece of furniture. He put it in a new cart pulled by a couple of oxen just like how the Philistines moved things around. But the law of God required that it be moved by having the priests carry it with poles. David was excited about getting it to the city and acted impulsively. He didn't pay close attention to God's desires about how the Ark should be handled. Because of David’s lack of following instructions, a man named Uzzah lost his life. In 2 Samuel 6:9, David becomes afraid “How can the Ark of the Lord come to me?” 

About three months later, David tried bringing the Ark to Jerusalem again. He obeyed God's instructions for moving the ark, and the priests carried it (I Chronicles 15:25). They offered sacrifices and wore the sacral vestments that the law called for. The Ark arrived in Jerusalem with a huge celebration of joy. David ordered many sacrifices to Yahweh, and there was a great feast for all the people to enjoy in the city of Jerusalem.

Psalm 25 can me broken down into three teaching points:

-          Holy fear places trust in God’s instructions.

David emphasizes his trust in God by requesting God to make, teach and lead. (vs. 4-5)  

 - Holy fear of God dictates how one walks with God.

The path of God is filled with those who keep His covenant. (vs. 10). - Holy fear of God dictates how to lead others.

David’s leadership of Israel was dependent upon God moving in the hearts of the nation. (vs.19)

See you Sunday,

Dr. Scott Kallem