A Holy Privilege... A Sacred Responsibility


Did you know we are commanded to teach and encourage one another? Check out Titus 2 to see for yourself. It may be interesting to note that we often hear Titus 2 quoted when speaking about older or more mature women in the faith teaching younger or new believers in the faith, but it’s not just a portion of scripture just for women it’s for men too. 

Have you ever had the thought that it would be nice to have a mentor? Or maybe even the thought that it would be good to mentor someone else? You’re thinking biblically! We’re supposed to be actively participating in this. I get it, it’s a scary thought on either side of the whole mentoring-teaching-encouraging one another idea. 

Titus 2 actually breaks it down for us and shows us just what God designed relationships within the church to look like. There are people in our church that need you. People that God already knew and planned to cross your path. Are your eyes open? Have you asked Him to show you just who that is? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth calls it a “holy privilege…a sacred responsibility.” Matthew 28 tells us to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Do you know what the good news about this command to make disciples is? The outcome is NOT our responsibility. We are to obey and leave the rest to God.

I’ll leave you with a couple more quotes from Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth to think about. 

Covenant is one way we cultivate a covenant life in God’s family. This covenant responsibility flows out of our covenant relationship with God and one another. 

So our approach changes from “Come into my world and make me happy,” to “Father, show me how to go into your world and glorify you.” The effect on a relationship is a switch from wanting you to serve me to a desire to serve God through the relationship.

I hope you prayerfully consider these things that God has commanded us to actively participate in. 

Because of Jesus,
