The Armor of God

What we might dismiss as a rabbit trail might be God trying to highlight something fresh.

In Sunday school yesterday we were in the familiar last chapter of Ephesians reading and talking about the armor of God when a statement directed my thoughts in a different direction.  Rick said, “Why does Paul mention prayer after he instructs us to put on the armor?” 

Chapter 6 is one of those formative portions of scripture.  Many of us can quote portions of it even if we are not sure where it is located.  Our grandson’s school chose “The Armor of God” as their annual theme for the entire school year. Sunday school classes, VBS and children’s church all talk about the armor.  It’s visual and makes for a great lesson.

I can picture Paul in chains in a Roman jail gazing at a soldier as he pens this passage in his letter to the church.  The image of the soldier brings to remembrance the attributes of God; truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation and the sword of the Spirit.  The very Word of God.  Love the sword even though I’ve stabbed myself and fellow believers with it.  My sword skills are a work in progress.

Thinking of the soldier and all that stuff and how it all applies to God, I lose sight of prayer.  Prayer, huh, what?  God I’m busy dressing up to be a warrior!  

My wandering mind highlighted Ephesians 6:18 in my bible in the middle of the sermon only to hear Scott immediately quote it. 

With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints,

Suddenly it dawned on me, soldiers prepare for battle, but they don’t go to battle, they are sent to battle.  Not only are they sent to battle, they are sent with fellow soldiers, never alone.  

We can pray to God and grow in intimacy and knowledge of who He is and who we are in Him.  It’s always safe at His feet.  Battle is different and involves strategic prayer and fellow soldiers. Yes, the armor is for our personal protection, but it’s for the battle of our Commander’s choosing. In those situations, we prepare, link arms and are sent by our King.  We go into a battle and see the victory.  

Korleen Gorham