Just a Thought

 Topic: Do Not Drift Away

 Hebrews 2:1, “For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.”

 This is the first of five warnings in the book of Hebrews. These warnings are placed throughout the book at specific points where personal application is necessary. The writer of Hebrews makes strong points regarding the superiority of Christ and then inserts a danger of rejecting Christ.

 Warning number one is the danger of rejecting salvation. The warning is issued to those who have heard the salvation message of Jesus but have not received the salvation of Jesus.

There are people who say they believe yet never call out to Jesus for salvation. They know all the facts but never make a commitment. Just like a man who believes a plane will not fall from the sky but still never actually boards a plane.

 Hebrews 2:1 calls us to pay attention to the superiority of Christ, so we do not miss the gospel or drift right by the only way to the Father.

 Five identifying marks that you are drifting away from the call to salvation:

1.         You spend little or no time reading the Bible.

2.         The gospel has no impact on your life.

3.         You do not spend time with other believers.

4.         Sin does not bother you.

5.         You make excuses for your sinful behavior.

 Three reasons to receive the salvation of Jesus from Hebrews:

1.         The character of Christ.

2.         The certainty of judgment.

3.         The confirmation of God. 

 Listen to the warning of neglecting Jesus. Otherwise, you will drift by salvation with every intent to receive Christ later. The real danger is that “later” never actually comes. Do not be careless about the call of salvation. Commit to Jesus today. “Lord Jesus, I don’t want to drift anymore. I believe in you, and right now I give you my life. Take my life and use it to your glory.”

 See you Sunday,

 Dr. Scott Kallem