

They’re a little like breathing.

We can’t live without them. 

We are designed for relationship. From the moment we were just a thought in God’s mind He already had a purpose for us. Relationship with HimRelationship with one another. 

Matthew 22:37-39 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Let me repeat. Relationship is our very purpose. I can’t count the times I’ve prayed, God, what is your purpose for me? All along He was saying, I’ve already told you.

We live in a world where our purpose is distorted. Where the message seemingly everywhere shouts what’s in it for me? Me. Me. Me. And we approach our relationships with this mentality. We weren’t designed to have relationships in order to make us whole or to satisfy selfish needs and wants. No, it’s the contrary. All our relationships should revolve around our relationship with Jesus. Our attitude toward our relationships should be about pointing each other to Jesus.

We were designed for relationships - to glorify God. 

That’s why the most important relationship we have is with Jesus. 

So, how is your relationship with Jesus? Is it growing? 

Who or what gets your devotion, the bulk of your time?

Do we look to people more than Jesus?

Do we look at our screens more than Jesus?

Do we listen to more voices than His?

Do we seek other opinions and advise more than Him?

There’s nothing wrong with using the Internet. God owns it. There’s nothing wrong with spending time there. What makes it wrong? When our time there doesn’t glorify Him. It’s wrong if it takes His place. It’s wrong if it’s more important than Him. If we spend more time there than in His presence we are influenced by people instead of by Him. It’s wrong if we find ourselves in places on the internet that don’t glorify God. 

Does the world around you drive you to Jesus or the internet? 

What can you NOT get enough of? Jesus or the News?

What can you NOT get enough of? Jesus or Facebook?

What can you NOT get enough of? Jesus or any social media?

What can you NOT get enough of? Jesus or your family? 

Who’s first? What’s first? 

I know I’ve asked a lot of questions here. I believe the time to answer them is right now. That it is crucial we answer them. Now is the time for a revival of our hearts and our relationships with Jesus and one another. 

Because of Jesus,

Michelle Skillern