Just a Thought

 Topic: Prayer like Moses (Deuteronomy 9:25:10-5)

 You probably remember the old financial services company called E.F Hutton because of their famous slogan, “when E.F. Hutton speaks, people listen.” I believe this was the case with Moses. Moses is a central figure in the Old Testament. He is perhaps one of the most known Bible personalities, and his influence was great and long lasting to the degree that when we quote from the writing of Moses people listen.

 Moses had a list of credentials a mile long. His résumé was outstanding. He spent years in Egypt studying the cultures of the world. He held a high political status in Egypt and he wasn’t even an Egyptian. Moses led Israel out of bondage in Egypt. The list goes on and on regarding Moses’ accomplishments. But above all those accomplishments and credentials, Moses was a man of prayer. Not only was he a man of prayer, but God heard his prayer requests.

 What made Moses so special in the eyes of the Lord that He heard and answered Moses’ prayers so often?

-          Moses listened to God. Moses was an obedient man and he listened to God and obeyed Him. Moses and God have a great relationship; in fact, there are not many other people besides Moses that God communicated in the way in which He did. We know that Moses and God had such communication that God spoke to Moses face to face. God listened to Moses because Moses first listened to God. When Moses did not listen, his prayers were hindered (Deuteronomy 3:23-27).

-          Moses was humble (Numbers 12:3). Another reason why Moses had such a successful prayer life was because Moses was a humble man. He was not just a humble man, but the Bible tells us that he was the most humble man that ever lived. I believe that humility is one of the most valued traits that a person can have, and I believe that the Bible teaches plainly the importance of humility in prayers (II Chronicles 7:14).

-          Moses had faith (Hebrews 11:24-29). Another reason in which God was so attentive to the prayers of Moses is because Moses was a man of faith. Moses had a faith in the God who was unseen; and because his faith was so strong, he had the opportunity to see God face to face. I think the Hebrew writer makes clear that Moses’ faith was not just in God, but it was in Jesus. Moses had faith in the coming Messiah. There was salvation in the Old Testament, the way in which you were saved was by having faith that God would bring the Messiah into the world. The text in Hebrews 11 says that Moses regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ. Moses was a man of faith and because of that faith God heard his prayers.

 Pray without doubting and God will hear your prayers. When Moses prayed, God listened. When you pray, God listens if you have faith in Him.

 See you Sunday,

 Dr. Scott Kallem