Just a Thought

Topic: Application of the Law of Moses (part 2)

 In the first part of this topic, it was evident from scripture the Law is relevant and worthy to be mediated on. There still is the issue of actual application. Some people are so legalistic that living under every letter of the Law is emphasized. Others view the law in general terms when the New Testament does not give direct application.

 The application of the Law is to be read from three different lenses:

Ceremonial Law refers to the religious rules about worship, sacrifice, and cleanliness which have been fulfilled by Christ and no longer binding.

Civil Law refers to the administration of justice. This is not directly binding because we do not live in the same theocratic state. This is a model that teaches how to love others.

Moral Law refers to the character of God and His will for believers. The ten commandments fit into this category.

 Knowing what directly applies to today and what does not is still difficult and from the cultural view believers seem to be judgmental. For example: We pull out honoring of the Sabbath from the moral law and place it in the ceremonial law.

 Steps for application of the Law of Moses:

1.     The Law was not given as steps for salvation.

Remember the Law was given to a redeemed people group called Israel. The Law was given to show God’s people how to live as God’s people. The Law was given to enable God’s people to enjoy the blessing of God.

2.     The Law points us to Jesus.

In Luke 24:27, Jesus explained to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, “Then beginning with Moses and with all the Prophets, He explained to them the things written about Himself in all the Scriptures.” Examine how Jesus taught the spirit of the Law, not the letter of the Law.

3.     Believers do not live under the Law.

Paul explains in Romans 6 that believers are not under the rule of the Law but led by the Spirit by being baptized into Christ. Paul still referred to the Law as a guidepost in loving others. In Ephesians, Paul taught how the family was to love one another, therefore keeping the commandments of God.

4.     Ask yourself, “How should the believer live today, as to reflect the character of God in this Law?”

As we read the Law of Moses, one is able to see what God is concerned about and what His solution is to the issue man wrestles with.

5.     What sin is God revealing in this law?

Romans 3:20, Paul explains that the Law was given to reveal sin and our need for grace.

 The Laws set forth in Deuteronomy chapters 12-26 cover every aspect of living. This should remind us that every aspect of our lives is to be lived under the rule of Christ because He fulfilled the Law.

 See you Sunday!

 Dr. Scott Kallem