He sees you

He sees you.

To the woman anxiously waiting for the arrival of her baby, He sees you.

To the woman who miscarried, He sees you.

To the woman who walked through the grocery store with a screaming toddler, He sees you.

To the woman who had a stillbirth, He sees you.

To the woman wishing for one more phone call from her mom, He sees you.

To the woman struggling with postpartum depression, He sees you.

To the woman wondering if the mundane tasks she’s doing even matters, He sees you.

To the woman with a sick and dying child, He sees you.

To the woman worrying about her high-risk pregnancy, He sees you.

To the woman experiencing infertility, He sees you.

To the woman dropping her child off at college, He sees you.

To the woman whose newborn has their days and nights mixed up, He sees you.

To the woman suffering from postpartum anxiety, He sees you.

To the woman who cares for her best friend’s children as her own, He sees you.

To the woman raising her grandchildren, He sees you.

To the woman on her third round of IVF, He sees you.

He sees YOU.

I don’t have all the answers to why, but I do know there is purpose in the waiting. Purpose in the pain. Purpose in the mundane. Whether you’re expecting, your babies are in heaven, you long to be pregnant, or are watching your babies raise their own babies...He sees you. He cares for you. He sent His Son to die for you—an act no mama can comprehend. But He did it because He loves you and He has a plan. He sees the whole picture when we cannot, and he has it all worked out for the good of those who believe in Him.

Happy Mother’s Day, mama.

Ashlie Freeman