Just a Thought

Topic: Jesus' Identity is Our Identity

Ephesians 1:3-4, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love.”

We are blessed with every spiritual blessing–past, present and future. Corporately, as the body of Christ, and individually our identity is in Him.

Chosen - Christ, the Messiah, the anointed one which was before the creation of the world, God in His great love chose to create humanity and give them His identity. Humanity chose to allow their identity to be marred, damaged or corrupted by giving power to selfish desires and evil.

So God sent Jesus to restore our identity, so we could become His identity. As Jesus is, so are we in Him.

Holy - This word holy is the same word used to attribute to God's presence, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit overshadowed a woman named Mary. She carried the Messiah and gave birth to baby Jesus. It is this event that we celebrate as Christmas.

God the Son–Jesus–took on human form, born of Spirit, so we born of corrupted human seed can be born of incorruptible seed, the Spirit. Jesus came clothed in human flesh to restore and renew our identity in Him. Jesus is holy, so are we.

Blameless - That was God's desire since before He was created. Without blame, without shame, His crowning glory. Yet, His love is so great that even knowing that humanity would reject His love and their identity in Him, He still created. He still gave us free choice and never interferes with our right to choose.

Before the creation of the world, God the Father, the Son and Spirit chose in love to create, give free choice and make a way to receive His identity. The position of being chosen is available to all. How we respond to the invitation determines our identity. In Christ our identity is blameless.

When we see ourselves as God sees us, surrendered to His perfect will, letting Him make this truth a powerful reality in our hearts and minds, our behavior and desires become one with Jesus. Jesus is blameless, so are we.

Only in Christ is one truly blessed!

See you Sunday,

Dr. Scott Kallem