Just a Thought


Topic: Shine

Psalm 8:3-4, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained. What is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him?”

Philippians 2:12-17, Paul encourages us to live such lives that we will shine like stars in the sky. It follows the ancient hymn about Jesus and the revelation that every knee will bow and confess that Christ Jesus is Lord. Paul told us to have the mind of Christ in verse five.

How do we shine?

Shine through your salvation (12-13). Paul was not telling them to earn their salvation, they were already saved! The term work out means to “cultivate, carry out to the goal, and fully complete.” William Barclay stated, "The truly Christian life cannot stand in the same place; it must be a continual progress."

Shine through your attitude (14-16). If we are going to shine, it will show up in our attitudes/words. It is easy to fall into the habit of grumbling and complaining. Living for the Lord is not the easiest road. Having the mind of Christ calls us to have a commitment to follow Him in every way. Being blameless and pure does not translate into being sinless, but does demonstrate confession of sin to God and seeks the forgiveness of others. 

Shine through your perseverance (17-18). Paul could see that even if this was the end of his journey on earth, he was ready for his journey to eternity—and so should we all be. He returns to his theme of joy no matter what happens to us. We can’t shine for Christ if we continually give up when it gets hard. Keep shining your light for Christ, even in the most difficult of situations. He is there with you always.

Paul closes chapter two with two great examples of brothers who shine like stars (19-10):

-          Timothy, Paul’s son in the faith, “has proved himself” in showing genuine concern for the Philippians.

-          Epaphroditus,  Paul’s “brother, co-worker and fellow soldier” - when he comes he will bring them gladness and joy. Paul says they should honor people like him, because he almost died for the work of Christ.

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem