Just a Thought

Topic: Devotional from Calvin Miller, “The Glory We Beheld”

John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

The glory we behold in Christ is the light of grace and truth. Consider this great trinity of words: glory, grace, and truth.

Glory! It is the state of being that transcends our poor, dull, ordinary lives. It implies a dazzling illumination, a splendor in seeing, a heightened euphoria, a state of elevated reality. Glory is that moment of elation when truth and reward come together to kneel before the grand approval of God. Have you never felt His exhilarating glory? Then you have never confessed your sin and turned your face toward the wonderful face of your Redeemer. Glory is the glistening garment of God – a garment that HE is all too eager to throw around us, to welcome us into His everlasting light. Glory is the food of the believer. Eat it once, and a kind of joyous addiction is born in your life. One taste and you must eat it forever.

Grace! It is the unmerited smile of God. If glory is our dance with God, grace is the ballroom – wide and free. But grace is not a tiny little dance with thin music and stingy steps. The dance never constricts. It is set to the open steps of elation. Grace saves with celestial music and redeems us, with Christ as our life partner.

Truth! This is the mortar that bind grace and glory together. Truth is Jesus. He never told a lie. He never sinned. He is never out of love. Truth says that when you take any action, needing God to be there, HE will be there. Truth says that if Jesus has said it, it is settled; you may count on it.

Jesus was revealed to us in glory. That glory full of grace and truth. The moment you received Christ, all three – glory, grace, and truth – were united as a trinity of lovers to rule from the throne of your dreams.

See you Sunday,

Dr. Scott Kallem