Just a Thought

Topic: Christmas Devotional by Calvin Miller, “Worship of the Wise Men”

Their gifts were three. We do not know their number for sure. Tradition indicates there were probably three wise men because of there three gifts. Tradition also has assigned names to these wise men: Caspar, Balthazzar, and Melchior. We do not really know that they had camels, but apparently they crossed the desert. And camels were good for that sort of thing.

One thing we know for sure, though. They did bring three gifts. Consider their three gifts from that wonderful old Christmas legend that confronts us this time of year.

Consider first the testimony of the wiseman who brought the gold:

            Born a king of Bethlehem’s plain.

            Gold I bring to crown him again;

            King forever, ceasing never, over us all to reign.

Consider next the words of him who brought frankincense:

            Frankincense to offer have I;

            Incense owns a deity nigh;

            Prayer and praising, all men singing, Worship him, God most high.

Finally consider the counsel of him who brought the myrrh:

            Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume

            Breathes a life of gathering gloom;

            Sorrowing, signing bleeding, dying, Sealed in a stone-cold tomb.

Now hear them all as they offer the infant Jesus their worship:

            Glorious now behold him arise.

            King and God and Sacrifice!

            Heaven sings “Alleluia,”

            “Alleluia,” the earth replies!

Do you have a little gold you might give Him this Christmas? Then offer it to Him.

No frankincense? No Myrrh? The best gifts that you can offer Him are your Hallelujahs. Worship and adore Him with all your heart.

I pray you have been challenged all month by the Christmas devotional thoughts by Calvin Miller.

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem