Embracing Age: Beauty in Wisdom

I once read a sign that said “How do you spell love? T-I-M-E.”  When our kids were younger, I remember everyone telling me to enjoy this time because they’re only young once. But truthfully, I was in survival mode most of the time. Between piles of laundry, homework, sporting events and dinner time, it was controlled chaos at best. Don’t get me wrong, I loved every minute of it. But now that I am older, I have a different perspective. 

I know how fast time goes by. I know the pitter patter of little feet won’t last long. I know there will be a time when they’re too big to rock to sleep. I know the joy and heartache of watching your children leave your home and begin a new journey of their own. And then the quiet sets in and you look back and realize just how precious that time was.    

Over the years, our once youthful body begins to feel the wear and tear of life. A few more wrinkles, our vision begins to blur, our hearing lessens and even our bladder seems to have a mind of its own. Although getting older sometimes means slowing down, we must remember God’s not done with us. He’s had our days numbered (Job 14:5) from the beginning of time and it is up to us to make wise choices. Choices that will help us live fully and to share our life wisdom with others.

So, if I could give my older self a pep talk, here it is:

Enjoy life. 

Slow down and embrace every moment.

Laugh a lot. 

Play a lot.

Keep moving. 

You’re never too old to have dreams, aspirations and ideas. 

Respond with grace; it's the simplest form of kindness. 

Forgive, (Ephesians 4:32) don’t hold grudges, life is too short. 

Love unconditionally. 

Invest in others and share your life lessons.

Take time to rest, pause to hear God’s voice and share the love of Jesus. 

Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.” (Psalm 92:14)

In Christ,
