Just a Thought

 Topic: The Cross is the Solution (I Corinthians 1:10-25)

When it comes to repairing broken relationships, the world has a lot of complicated solutions. On the other hand, God has a simple solution that makes the wisdom of this world look absolutely foolish.

Do you want to repair a broken relationship? I invite you to read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25.

Here, the Bible contrasts the foolishness of the cross with the wisdom of the world and urges you to reject the wisdom of the world. Discard the solutions of sinful human people. Scrap the perspective of your culture when it comes to human relationships.

The “word of the cross” (vs. 18) is a message of forgiveness and self-sacrifice, but the world says, “That’s folly.” Literally, that’s moronic. If I give up my own rights, if I let the other person have his or her way, then they will walk all over me. I’ll become a doormat. You want me to forgive and sacrifice myself when I “know” I’m right? The idea is moronic. It’s absurd!

It is only absurd to those who are perishing (vs. 18 says), literally, to those who are destroying themselves. When people refuse to forgive, when people refuse to give up their own rights in an argument, then they are only hurting themselves. They are only smashing themselves like clay pots against a stone wall. Set aside your own human wisdom. Take the advice the world gives you and smash it to smithereens. That’s what God does. Read verses 19-20.

God turns the wisdom of this world upside down. He makes it absolutely foolish.

Have you ever heard of a left-handed screw? It's a reverse screw. You have to tighten or loosen it going in the opposite direction then what is most natural. There's a sense in which all the Bible is kind of a reverse screw. Everything in the culture that seems right, in the Bible comes out wrong. The way up is the way down. The way to spiritual wealth is to acknowledge your spiritual poverty. The way to live is to die. The way to rule is to serve. I mean the screw just doesn't work right.

The solution to broken relationships is to trust or depend on the word of the cross (vs. 18 and 21).

Verse 18 says, “The word of the cross is the power of God for those who are being saved,” for those God is delivering from a self-centered, self-destructive lifestyle. And verse 21 says, the message of the cross “saves those who believe.” Its message of forgiveness and self-sacrifice sets you free.

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem