Just a Thought

Topic: Jacob’s Faith (Genesis 48:1-6,13-16, Hebrews 11:21)

Jacob was a man whose whole life had been changed by the grace and mercy of God. He began his life as a deceiver, stealing the birthright of Esau. Later on, he was converted as he wrestled all night long with the Angel of the Lord, until finally, at the break of day, he was given a new name, a new nature and a new purpose. From that time on we see a new Jacob. He is now a man of faith and love. He is a man with the call of God, and a purpose for living and a promise from God that would stand forever. He had come to understand what it meant to walk by faith with God on his side.

Jacob was given the same promise as Abraham, although Jacob (like Abraham and Isaac) never saw the Promised Land given to the nation of Israel. In fact, he saw the reverse. His family was forced to Egypt because of famine. Yet he continued to worship God, ever believing and passing on the promise of God—even as he was dying.

Hebrews 11:21 “By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph’s sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff.”

Jacob was at the end of his life and scripture says that Jacob “worshiped God as he leaned on the top of his staff.”

The staff of a person in those days was in essence that person’s life story. They carved the events of their life on the staff. Then, handed it down to the next generation.

No doubt Jacob would have carved on his staff the time that he deceived his father Isaac and received his rightful blessing, and when he ran for his life from his brother Esau after that event.

Then he would have recorded the dream that God gave him concerning the ladder reaching down from heaven to earth and angels ascending and descending. This was the moment when God passed down the promise that He made to Abraham and Isaac that his descendants would be as numerous as the dust of the earth, and the Messianic promise that all people on the earth will be blessed because of him and his offspring.

Jacob would have shared countless other events that are recorded in scripture that led to faith building moments with God.

Jacob leaning on his staff was remembering all that God did for him and in the process worshipped God. Even in his old age, he didn’t grow weary of the promises of God because he was still telling the story.

I hope that as we near the end of our lives, we will recount all the events of our lives recorded on the staff of our minds, remembering all the things that Jesus has done for us, and worship Him.

See you Sunday,

Dr. Scott Kallem