Your Purpose

What if I told you that I could tell you what your purpose is even though we may not have had the pleasure of meeting? Have you ever wondered what your purpose is? Begged God to tell you? Maybe even wrestled with God in prayer trying to convince Him to let you in on this highly guarded secret? I don’t know if this has ever described a struggle you’ve encountered, but I know I’ve struggled with trying to find the answer to this in the past. I have good news for you! You don’t need to struggle any longer.

Let’s start at the beginning, in Genesis.
“Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness.” Genesis 1:26

Have you ever really pondered this verse? Meditated on it? Friends, we were designed to look and to act like God. We are God’s image bearers! That’s it. That’s our purpose! His plan is that we bear His image. Imitating God is our purpose. God is the basis for our very identity. As His image bearers, He informs our decisions. Focuses our motivations.

In a book I recently read titled Freedom to Flourish by Elizabeth Barn she states, “we glorify Him by displaying His creativity and by bringing life to the world around us. Using our gifts to mimic the passionate creative work of God brings flourishing to the world.”

She states further that, “living out the image of God is meant to be done in community.” As we bear the image of God using the gifts and talents He designed in each of us, we are to be purposeful with those talents while pointing others to Jesus as we imitate Him. We do this in community. In relationships. Friendships.

Take a look at 1 Peter 3:8
“Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.”

Ladies, want to hear more about this along with a chance to take home a copy of the Freedom to Flourish? I invite you to join us on November 10th for the next Flourish event beginning at 6:00 p.m. at New Life Baptist Church. I’ll be on the team of speakers along with Stacey Kallem, Nikki Douglas and Diana Williams sharing more about Unity/Bridging-the-Gap Friendships. Can’t wait to share more with you!

Because of Jesus,

Michelle Skillern