Just a Thought

Topic: Who is Baby Jesus?

Hebrews 1:1-4 paints a picture of the surpassing greatness of Jesus Christ well-suited for our understanding of Christmas. This gives us a glimpse into the majesty of Jesus, yes, the majesty of baby Jesus.

These first two verses underscore the main point of divine revelation. We need the reminder that God’s Word is unique and authoritative. God’s word to the fathers and prophets was revelation. Simply, God revealed to them things they could not have otherwise known. The author of Hebrews notes God spoke these things in the past at different times and in different ways: prophetic messages, visions, dreams, signs, wonders, and the giving of the Law. As great as those ways were and are, the ultimate way God has spoken is through His son Jesus. Verse 2 emphasizes: God has spoken to us by His Son.

In verses 2-4, the author explains Jesus’ divine Sonship with seven descriptions. Think of these terms as coloring in or explaining further the surpassing greatness of Jesus Christ.

  1. Heir of all things: As the only begotten Son of God, Jesus is appointed as the designated heir. Everything, seen and unseen, belongs to the heir. These “possessions” include all believers in Christ.

  2. Made the universe through Him: Jesus is the Creator. As we envision the Father, in eternity past, in some ethereal realm, speaking creation into existence, careful attention to the Scripture is helpful.

  3. The radiance of His glory: The word radiance only occurs here in our New Testament. When we look at Jesus, as He is explained and described in Scripture by His words and works, we see the overwhelming nature of who God is. Jesus, the Son, radiates the glory of God.

  4. The exact expression of His nature: The two words "exact expression" are only one word in Greek, and the word we bring into our English language is "character". The word literally means a “mark” or a “stamped engraving.” This is helpful for the way we envision Jesus and the Father in our minds. Scripture not only gives us a glimpse of Jesus but also His Father.

  5. Sustainer: Jesus sustains or upholds all things by the power of His Word. Nothing exists apart from His Word.

  6. Purifier: Jesus is the superior offering for sin. He’s the only one who can remove your sins, the only way our sin condition can be remedied.

  7. Ruler: Jesus sat down because His work was accomplished once and for all. The right hand is a reminder that Jesus holds the ultimate place of honor.

Now you know who baby Jesus is, share this great news with someone today!

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem