Just a Thought

Topic: Asbury Revival

I hope by now you have heard and are following the revival that has taken place on the Asbury University campus in Kentucky.

Time will tell if the revival unfolding on the campus of Asbury University will have the impact of one from 1970. The comparisons, though, are uncanny.

They both broke out during a time of unrest in America and in a normal campus chapel service. They included confession, repentance and testimonies of hundreds of students who gathered at the altar on the first day. Today, the worshiping has not stopped and has begun to spread like wildfire not only on the Asbury campus but throughout the country and even the world, thanks to social media.

Students from universities near and far have been drawn to the Asbury University campus to crowd their way into the chapel while others are watching live feeds to catch a glimpse of what is happening. CLICK HERE

Move of God Terminology used throughout history:

Revival – the move of God to restore believers’ spiritual vitality.

Awakening – the move of God on a community that results in salvations.

Renewal – the move of God in which the church is revived, and the community saved.

Every revival has a uniqueness of its own. For example, the 18th century awakening revolved around preaching. The Welsh revival of 1904-1906 featured singing and testimonies.

The heart cry for revival is nothing new. God responds to Solomon’s dedication of the temple is found in Second Chronicles 7:14, “My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” The Promise of Second Chronicles 7:14 still holds true: “If My people…will…then I will.”

We should cry out to the Lord for revival just as Psalm 85:6 declares, “Will You not Yourself revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?”

Take a moment to allow this testimony to encourage you to seek revival! (Click the links below)

Asbury Revival 2023 Testimony

Deeper Still

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem