Just a Thought

Topic: Nehemiah the Team Builder (Nehemiah 4)

Nehemiah was one of the most effective team builders in the Bible. He understood the importance of working together. Nehemiah understood that when you are faced with a challenge or a problem, you do not need to go through it alone. You need the support of other people.

In Nehemiah chapter one, we meet Nehemiah’s brother. He traveled from Jerusalem to Persia to visit Nehemiah. In the course of conversation, Nehemiah asked him about the condition of Jerusalem. His brother said, “The wall is broken down.” In ancient times, when a city’s walls were lying in ruins, it meant that they were in deep, deep trouble. When a city’s walls were down, thieves and bandits from outside the city could invade the city. When a city’s walls were down, the city was vulnerable to every conceivable kind of evil.

Nehemiah took a huge risk, but the gracious hand of God was on his life. When the people of Jerusalem heard Nehemiah’s story and recognized that God’s hand was on him, they said, “Let’s start rebuilding.” So, they started this good work.

Everybody was enthusiastic when they started building the wall. Their heart was into it. Everything was great until they reached the halfway point of the project. They got discouraged. The project seemed too big. It was too hard. It was too difficult. Nehemiah had to convince a group of people who wanted to quit to keep going.

There are some of you today that want to give up and quit. You feel as though you have fought long and hard and nothing has changed. Or you are dealing with someone who wants to give up on something. I believe that we all can learn some lessons from Nehemiah’s story that will help us stay in the game.

The causes of discouragement:

1. People tend to give up when they are physically exhausted. (4:10)

2. People tend to give up when they are frustrated. (4:10

3. People give up when they encounter failure. (4:10)

4. People give up when they are afraid. (4:11)

The cure for discouragement:

1. Remember the Lord. (4:14)

2. Get together with family and friends. (4:13)

3. Watch God fight for you. (4:15)

4. Stay busy with God’s work. (4:15)

I am here to encourage you to stay faithful to the Lord. Don’t give up, but finish His task. Don’t give up on your marriage. Don’t give up on that child. Don’t give up on your school work. Don’t give up on your career. Don’t give up on God’s dream. Philippians 1:6 says, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem