Just a Thought

Topic: Through the Lamb We are Overcomers (Revelation 12:7-11)

There is a battle going on in the world, struggle for worship, Satan’s goal to hinder love, to undermine loyalty, trust and obedience to God’s word and will. The assignment Jesus gives to John comes at a time when there is heavy persecution against faith. Jesus told John to write to the church my love letter—words of encouragement for discouraged people. Write to the church. The church is you and me. Write, what was, what is now, and what will happen later. The Church knows the gospel is about a kingdom established by Jesus, about the ultimate victory sealed by the cross of Jesus. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection has overcome evil, powers, principalities, wickedness and Satan himself.

Right now, in this period of history, Satan has for a season been given a limited power to battle against the message of the gospel. Satan stirs the world to reject the gospel message, to resist the Holy Spirit and even to persecute the messengers of the gospel. In John’s day, Satan was very successful. Ten disciples were martyred and John was in prison. The church was heavily persecuted, many fell away, not looking hopeful or hearing much good news about the possibility of the kingdom of God established on earth.

John remained faithful. In his prison isolation, Jesus appeared and shared revelation about what was, what is happening now, and then gave a revelation of what will happen in the last days. That is where we are in Revelation 12, set in the middle of the seven year tribulation period. We discover, despite a very hostile culture and severe persecution of Christians, there are many who are identified as overcomers. They are faithful in their resistance and perseverance despite the antichrist’s persecution, and they are called by Jesus—overcomers. Who are these overcomers?  How does one become an overcomer?

In John’s day, believers experienced rejection and persecution. How did they not only persevere, but persevere to achieve victory in the most hostile culture? I want to look at the secret of their success, a formula that allows them to stand the test and resist the pressures of the world—how to be an overcomer.

Jesus tells John what the weapons are that will ultimately defeat the devil and his power. In Revelation 12, the people of God have power to overcome and hurl down the accuser of the brethren. An angel announces in verse 11 three keys to the victory. Do not miss this. We have at our disposal three weapons that have divine power. We will use them to overcome and conquer the enemy:

1. The blood of the Lamb.

2. The word of our testimony of the salvation of the Lamb.

3. Selfless life that does not love this world so much that it would shrink out of the fear of death.

They used these three mighty weapons to defeat the accuser of the brethren. I want you to have that mindset, confidence and assurance. Be an overcomer. Your word of testimony and witness of God’s grace will send Satan packing. A love for Jesus that exceeds even a love for life itself. When life piles on, look for Jesus. Be an overcomer.

See you Sunday,

Dr. Scott Kallem