Just a Thought

Topic: Evangelism is the Ministry of the Church

The thought for this week is a reflection from a book written by Gene Getz, "Sharpening the Focus of the Church” (1984).

1.      Every local body of believers is responsible to saturate its community with love and to demonstrate a unity and oneness that provide the basis for verbal communication; to demonstrate a Christian lifestyle in all human relationships, so as to create a basis on which to discuss the life-changing Christ. Getz (p.70) noted that “when Jesus Christ was on earth, people saw and heard Him. His miracles and lifestyle became the means by which people could evaluate His claims (John 20:20-31). But when He returned to heaven, His body, the church, became the visible means by which people could evaluate the message of Christ.” (John 13:13-35; 17:19-23.)

2.      Corporate evangelism is basic to personal evangelism. Getz (p.71) wrote that in the NT, “the functioning body of Christ set the stage for individual witness. This is why Jesus said, ‘Love one another’ so that ‘all men will know that you are My disciples’ (John 13:34)… and why Peter exhorted believers to keep their ‘behavior excellent among the Gentiles’ (1 Peter 2:12)… It is difficult to witness in isolation… God’s general plan is that community evangelism be carried out in the context of dynamic Christianity and vigorous ‘body life.’ “Then all the church will be involved together in “drawing the net” for Christ. This, Getz suggested, prevents glamorizing the extroverted individual as the “most spiritual.” This removes the lone-ranger approach to evangelism. The local church can make a powerful impact on a pagan community this way.

3.      When possible, presenting the Gospel to the unsaved is to take place against the backdrop of a loving and unified body of Christians. Getz (p,72) insisted, “The Scriptures do not suggest that non-Christians should be excluded from the ‘church gathered.’ Rather, the Bible teaches that unbelievers should be exposed to the church gathered as an orderly and unified body.” In 1 Cor.14:23-25 it ought to be noted that the unbeliever will be “convicted by all” and will be ‘called to account by all” (14:24). Getz further remarked, “Here is a clear-cut reference to ‘body evangelism’. It was the whole church functioning that was to be used by the Holy Spirit to win this person to Christ.

Sharing the good news of Jesus (evangelism) is a ministry of the entire church.

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem