Just a Thought

Topic: Characteristics of Boldness (Acts 13:1-3)

The last four weeks have focused on the boldness of the apostles and the early church. The boldness was the evidence of the Holy Spirit filling apostles (Acts 4:31).

What are some noticeable characteristics of boldness?

1.      Supremacy of the WORD. In this church in Antioch there was a supremacy of the word, a priority on the Word of God. The Word of God, the teaching of the Word of God and the preaching of the Word of God was primary in this church. Notice verse 1 says, “now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers.” Teacher and prophet are in a sense overlapping roles, both centered on proclaiming the truths of God's Word. The prophet may be more of a preacher and the teacher would be one that gives more systematic instruction of the truths handed down by the apostles.

2.         Sensitivity in their WORSHIP. They came together on their Sunday morning worship service with an expectancy that God would in fact speak. While they're worshiping the Lord together, during their corporate worship of God as a people, the Holy Spirit spoke to them. Why would God's primary means of speaking to us through His Spirit be in the corporate gathering? Because here we have people who can affirm that word from God; here we have people who can attest to that, who can say, "My spirit bears witness with your spirit that this is the word from the Lord." In Antioch we see it is with the church gathered, worshiping God, in the midst of their fasting—which indicates their heart of expectancy was tuned and ready to hear from God—that the Holy Spirit speaks to them and gives them a clear word.

3.         Submission to His CALL. The Holy Spirit spoke to them, and they obeyed the voice of the Spirit and submitted themselves to His call. How did they know this? Was it communicated to everyone at the same time in their conscious? Perhaps one of the prophets came forward and communicated this world and the rest of the church, in step with the Holy Spirit, affirmed this word from the Lord. That word was that Barnabas and Saul would be leaving to go on the mission field. The church submitted to the call of God as indicated by their laying on of hands and sending them off.

The result of boldness is the proclamation of the gospel. Acts 1:8 stated that the Holy Spirit will empower believers with boldness to be a witness of the gospel.

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem