You Are Not Alone

This past year has been a season of healing, growing, and rediscovering myself.  That sounds a little strange since I’ll be 50 in a few months. But who we are at 20 is not who we are at 50. I spent a lot of last year battling with anxiety and fear.  And when I say battle, I mean battle! Healing my body, calming my mind, reflecting on God’s promises was a daily struggle. It took lots of prayer, grace, patience, and the love of others to get me through this season of life. During this time I would pray these two key verses MULTIPLE times a day. I pray God can use them to bring comfort to you today in your journey. Whatever you may be going through.

Deuteronomy 31:8

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

No matter the path we take, God is always going before us and we are not alone in our journey. Whether your marriage is hanging on by a thread, that child you’ve been praying for, the addiction that you can’t seem to break, a dream that doesn’t come to pass, the loss of a loved one. My friend God cares and He’s walked the path before you. 

Isaiah 41:10 

“So do not fear, for I am with you;

    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you;

    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

He will take us by the hand and lead the way. He is our help and strength when we are weak. Many days I would literally squeeze my right hand and remind myself. The Lord has gone before me. He is holding my right hand, I am safe, I am loved.

During this time I wrote down several sayings on a piece of paper. I don’t remember where they came from but I came across them the other day and they made me smile. They reminded me of God’s promises and how far I’ve come over the last year. I hope they can encourage you today in whatever season you find yourself in. 

  1. Pray the promise not the problem.

  2. God is a Creator not a duplicator.

  3. God, not people, decide my worth.

  4. A life of faith will require discomfort. (Do it afraid!)

  5. Pray according to God’s ability, not mine.

  6. We need grace for salvation and for change.

  7. I’m like Jesus when I love people who reject me.

  8. I can’t expect people to be only what God can!

  9. If I dare pray BIG I must be brave enough to fight.

We’re all going through something and whatever you’re battling today I encourage you to focus on the promises of your Creator. Know your worth is in Christ alone. Stepping out in faith is hard but with God all things are possible. Give yourself grace because change isn’t easy. Show the love of Christ to others, we’re all struggling with something. People will always let you down, remember your identity is in Christ alone. And sister, pray BIG and be brave enough to stand in Christ, knowing He has gone before you and is holding your right hand, and fight that battle! He hears you, He cares, and in His time you will bloom again.

In Christ,
