Just a Thought

Topic: Respect (First Timothy 5)

I want to remind you that how we treat others matters. Paul reminded Timothy that in teaching the Word one must have respect toward others. Respect goes a long way in healing relationships when having to correct errors of false teaching. First Timothy chapter five is filled with real, everyday instructions regarding the necessity of respect. Paul gave Timothy practical advice on how to deal with different groups of people within his congregation to show respect.

Treat everyone with respect. If you really think about it, you can draw people to Christ or push them away from Christ based on how you treat them. If you show them respect, they are drawn to Christ. If you disrespect them, you push them away. Paul tells us that we should treat men who are older than us as we would treat our father. We should treat men who are younger than us as we would treat our brother. We should treat women who are older than us as we would treat our mother. We should treat women who are younger than us as we would treat our sister. Simply put, treat others as you would like to be treated.

Treat your family with respect. There are many details in this passage. There is a focus in this section about how the widows of the Church should be treated. It is important to notice that the discussion concerning widows is directed at natural families as well as Church families. Paul tells us that the Church should only be financially and physically responsible for those widows that are older and have no living relatives.

If there are living family members who can take care of the widow, then they should. In fact, if they will not take care of her, Paul says they are worse than “lost” people. Now, we must understand that when this was written, widows had no social status. They were almost as good as dead. The Church was actually fulfilling a role for these widows that had never been taken care of before.

The widows were given strict instructions to trust in God and focus their lives on Him. This is one of the reasons that the widows that were young enough to remarry and have children were told to do so. If they didn’t and had too much time on their hands, they would make bad decisions. They would spend their time gossiping and destroying others.

Treat your spiritual leaders with respect. A minister is worthy of being taken care of financially. The congregation ought to do right by their ministers. Paul says that when a minister is accused of something, you shouldn’t just believe it. Trust me, the enemy loves for people to spread gossip and lies against ministers. Now, Paul also says that if the minister is guilty that they should be dealt with in a respectful manner. Come with two or three witnesses to address the issue so that the minister will be restored.

The bottom line this morning is simple: show others respect so that Jesus Christ will be lifted up, and lives will be changed.

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem