Just a Thought

Topic: Handling the Word of God

II Timothy 2:15, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”

What does it mean to “accurately handle the Word of Truth”? To handle accurately implies honesty, reverence, integrity and love. It's about approaching the Bible with a heart that is open and sincere. It's about seeking to understand what God is saying, not twisting His words to fit our own ideas or desires.

When we read the Bible, we must be careful not to impose our own ideas or interpretations onto the text. We must let the text speak for itself. We must be willing to let the Bible challenge our beliefs, our attitudes, our behaviors.

When we handle God's Word with honesty, we also handle it with reverence. We recognize that the Bible is not just another book. It's the Word of God, the revelation of His will, His plan, His love for us. We approach it with a sense of awe, a sense of humility, a sense of gratitude.

This reverence for God's Word should be reflected in how we study it, how we teach it and how we apply it in our lives. We should not rush through it, skim over it or take it out of context. We should take the time to study it carefully, to meditate on it, to pray over it. We should seek to understand the historical and cultural context, the literary genre and the original language. We should seek to understand the whole message of the Bible, not just the parts that we like or agree with.

When we handle God's Word with honesty, we also handle it with integrity. We strive to live out what we read, to put into practice what we learn. We don't just talk the talk, but we walk the walk. We don't just preach to others, but we preach to ourselves. This integrity in handling God's Word is crucial. It's not enough to know the Bible, to memorize verses, to teach Bible studies. If our lives don't reflect what we read, if our actions don't match our words, then we are not handling God's Word with honesty. We are not being faithful to the God who gave us His Word.

When we handle God's Word with honesty, we handle it with love. We love the Word of God because we love the God of the Word. We delight in His law, we meditate on His precepts, we treasure His commands. We don't read the Bible out of duty or obligation, but out of love and desire. We don't view it as a burden, but as a blessing.

Let's remember that the truth of God's Word isn't just something we handle, but something that should handle us. It's not just something we work with, but something that should work in us. God's Word is living and active. It's sharper than any two-edged sword. It pierces to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow and discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart. So, let's allow it to do its work in us. Let's allow it to shape us, to mold us, to make us more like Christ.

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem