Hungering for God in Fasting and Prayer

During my middle school years, our school district made significant transportation budget cuts, which resulted in waiting for the city bus on frigid winter days.  I lived several miles from school, and Dad worked various shifts at the factory across town.  Therefore, Mom would accompany me to the bus stop, which was located near a small shopping center containing a Swedish bakery.  On those extremely cold days, Mom and I would enter the bakery with welcoming, warm heat and purchase our hot cocoa and sweet rolls.  She would explain how my body needed the extra calories to stay warm, which was in part true, but healthier choices would probably have been better.  While our bodies do in fact burn more calories in colder weather, we should focus on nutrient-rich foods that curtail hunger for longer periods of time. 

However, not all gnawing hunger is bad.  A hunger for God drives true worship.  In Matthew 6:16-18 Jesus begins with “When you fast…” not “if” but “when,” demonstrating that it is part of the believer’s life.  Yet, do I fast for the right reasons?  Why am I doing this?  Is it due to a real hunger for God—to know and honor Him?  Or, am I looking for praise and approval of man?  After all, the Pharisees started fasting twice a week for the wrong reason—it was required and added one more pious act to their perceived “righteous check lists.”  Unfortunately, doing good works for the wrong reason is to glorify self, not glorify God.            

Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe states, “True fasting will lead to humility before God and ministry to others.”  With humility we are able to see our sin, repent, be heartbroken about our sin, and run toward Christ.  This in turn better equips us to serve.  Fasting is essentially going without food for greater concentration on God, thereby being humbled and seeking God and His will.  We are reminded that our greatest need is for God. He sustains life.  It is by His will that we live. 

Jesus continues on in Matthew 6:16-18 to give guidelines while fasting:  1) do not be somber--make it a joyful time; 2) do so privately—no need to tell others, unless they are joining in the fast for similar reasons, such as:  church building and expansion, ministry opportunities, leadership, etc.; and 3) believe that your Father sees and rewards (according to His ways, not ours).   

When is the last time we did something with pure motives?  Even John Calvin came to the conclusion that, “Our hearts are idol factories…” (referring to man’s human—or sinful—condition).  Given today’s technology and fast pace, it is incredibly easy to become distracted.  Yet, Christ paid the ultimate price to free us from idols of distraction, and fasting can help us regain our focus in areas of prayer, worship, Bible study, evangelism, discipleship, ministry, serving, preaching, and giving.  He is able to perfect our imperfect worship, and even gives us essential tools:  fasting and prayer.

If it has been a while since you embraced fasting and prayer (or perhaps you never have), I want to encourage you to use these powerful, God-given tools.  Begin by taking small steps (depending on your body’s health requirements), and (if possible) build from there.  Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, David, Esther, Paul, Barnabas, and Jesus (among others) all denied self and sought God’s will through fasting and prayer.  Join them!  Hunger for God!

With Love in Christ, 
