Just a Thought

Topic: Bad Dad, Godly Son

Last week our weekly thought revolved around King Joash and his almost-revival. As long as Joash had godly influence, he led Judah to seek the Lord. Once the godly influence was gone, Joash led Judah to forsake the Lord. The challenge was directed towards one’s personal devotion to God through Jesus Christ. King Hezekiah (II Kings 18) is an example of the impact of a personal devotion to God.  

Hezekiah was a good king and a godly man. Because he was a king, we might think that Hezekiah had a good start in life but he did not. His father Ahaz was one of the most wicked kings in Judah's history. During Ahaz’s reign, the religious life of the nation reached an all-time low. (Read 2 Kings 16:2-4) Ahaz was 20 years old when he became king and he did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He followed in the steps of previous corrupt kings and even sacrificed his son in the fire. He followed the detestable ways of the nations that the Lord had driven out. He offered up sacrifices and burned incense at the high places on the hilltops and under every spreading tree. This was the type of father King Hezekiah had. With a father and a background like that we may wonder how Hezekiah became such a noble and spiritually-minded man. Where did his faith in God and his spiritual character come from? Certainly not from his home life. Gods’ spirit worked directly in his life.

Everyone doesn’t have the blessing of being brought up in a godly home, in surroundings where the Bible is read and prayers are said. This shows us that God is a personal God, sovereign and unrestricted. Your character and your relationship with God does not depend on someone else. It doesn't depend on your family background or culture. Your walk with God, your faith in God and relationship with Him does not depend on your parents’ or grandparents’ relationship with God. If your parents have a close relationship with God that doesn't mean that you will have a close relationship with God. Likewise, if your parents are far from God that doesn't mean that you will be far from God. Your relationship with God depends on your personal response to God and God alone.

However, Hezekiah did have the prophet Isaiah as a mentor. Isaiah was speaking for truth and righteousness in that godless age and Hezekiah should be commended for listening to him.

There are many voices speaking in the world today who may be: gifted, experienced speakers with loud voices; very popular with good looks and a huge internet following; brainy, well-educated with long titles; influential businessmen with loads of money. Who are you listening to? And why are you listening to them?

Hezekiah stayed close to the Lord, listened to Him and was attentive to the prophet Isaiah. Are you personally devoted to God? Who is speaking God’s word into your life?

See you Sunday,

Dr. Scott Kallem