Just a Thought

Topic: Importance of Worship (Psalm 4)

The goal for November and December will be to read a Psalm everyday beginning with Psalm 1. On Thursday’s I will write about the specific Psalm of the day. For today, Psalm 4 will be our focus.

David’s life was filled with pressure, pain, and persecution. In spite of the circumstances in which David found himself, David discovered comfort in the safety of the Lord. David realized that nothing could ever destroy the relationship that he enjoyed with God. In Psalm 4, David acknowledged that his relationship and security was not based on who he was or what he did. His eternal safe keeping was completely from God. He declared, “In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, make me to dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8).

Psalm 4 was written during the time when David had fled from his son Absalom.

As you read this psalm, you will detect a tone of distress from a father dealing with his rebellious son and his friends.

Psalm 4 displays a healthy pattern for handling the pressures of life.

David appeals to God for help (verse 1). Most of us, when falsely accused and our reputation is assaulted, are quick to snap back at our accuser. We may even spread a worse lie about someone else to take the attention from ourselves. David does neither, instead he turned to God for strength and redemption.

David instructs his enemies (verses 2-5). The instructions intended for Absalom have great wisdom for us today.


-          How long will you love delusions?  (verse 2)

-          When will you begin to trust God? (verse 3)

-          When will you worship God?  (verse 4)

David contrasts God’s joy with the distress of the ungodly at their best.

(Verses 6-8)

It is not likely David ever got the opportunity to give the previous advice to his enemies. It is even less likely that they would have followed his advice if he had.

This psalm is an expression of David laying his anguish before the Lord, speaking his heart to the Lord concerning what his enemies should have done, and affirming his trust in the Lord by remembering God’s goodness.


Personal worship puts everything in the right perspective. 

Personal worship takes the edge off those who attack you.

Personal worship prepares you to answer those who attack you.

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem