Just a Thought

Topic: Truth about Hell

A majority of people believe in heaven and hell. However, most believe they will end up in heaven rather than hell. Sadly, many are mistaken and will realize that truth too late.

In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus gives us the truth about hell.


1.         Hell is real. Luke 16:23 Jesus states hell as a place, “In hades…” Hell is a place of 

choice. It is chosen by the decision to reject God. The rich man rejected God therefore hell was the place of eternal life where God is absent.


2.         Hell is a place of torment. Jesus makes that clear by stating the torment and agony 

of the rich man (Luke 16:23-24). Torment and agony refers to:

-Physical pain with no moment of relief. The rich man longed for a moment of relief, but none was provided.

Relational suffering due to the darkness and loneliness. The rich man could see heaven but was never able to experience the joy of relationships again. Suffering extends to those still alive who need to choose God before it is too late.


3.         Hell is eternal. Luke 16:26 teaches that hell is a chasm that can never be crossed. 

There is not a parole option for good behavior. Matthew 25:46 states that hell is an eternal punishment. Hell is avoidable in that you have a life choice to make today. Hell is an eternal location you can never be released from. Choose wisely.

It takes real determination on the part of an individual to go to hell. To willingly refuse salvation when given a chance results in a desire to spend eternity in hell. What kind of person chooses hell? A proud and rebellious person.

C.S. Lewis said it best, “I willingly believe that the damned are, in one sense, successful, rebels to the end; that the doors of hell are locked on the inside.”

Many think, “since God is a God of love why can’t He do away with hell and make it possible for every individual to go to heaven?” That is exactly why He sent His son Jesus to the cross to die for sin. He made it possible for you to choose a better eternal destination called heaven.

God is our creator, not destroyer. His purpose for you was never to see you tormented in hell for all eternity. That is your choice, not His.

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem