Just a Thought

 Topic: Full of the Holy Spirit

The book of Acts is a historical account of the establishment of the church. Acts bridges the gap between the ministry of Jesus and the mission of Paul. The structure of Acts follows specific individuals so that we can learn the impact of the Holy Spirit.

In Acts chapter six, we are introduced to seven men who are chosen by the church congregation to assist the disciples in solving a rising need. The men chosen displayed the following characteristics: good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit, and full of wisdom.

Two of the six men—Stephen and Philip—lives are recorded for us as examples of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

-          Stephen, Acts 6:8-7:60

-          Philip, Acts 8:4-40

It is important for us to understand that the Spirit-filled life is God’s provision for every believer.

The filling of the Holy Spirit comes as salvation. The impact of the Holy Spirit is evident in the life of the believer as the disciple of obedience matures the believer.

What are some of the characteristics of a Spirit-filled Christian?

1.  A Spirit-filled Christian is one who is available to the Lord for whatever work He may appoint. Are we available to the Lord in this way?

 2.  Wherever a Spirit-filled Christian goes, lives will be touched, souls will be saved, and miracles will be performed, for God the Holy Spirit does His work through human channels today, just as He did in the first century.

 3.  A Spirit-filled Christian is mighty in the scripture.

- Stephen and Philip knew the scripture.

- Stephen and Philip believed the scripture.

- Stephen and Philip preached the scripture.

- Stephen and Philip applied the scriptures to their listeners.

 4.  A Spirit-filled Christian looks and acts like Jesus.

- Acts 7:59-60 gives us a moving picture of the death of Stephen.  What was he doing while he was being stoned? He was doing what Jesus did when He was dying on the cross (Luke 23:34, 46 & Acts 7:59-60).

 Are you Spirit-filled?

 See you Sunday,

Dr. Scott Kallem