Just a Thought

Topic: Acts: The Filling of the Holy Spirit

The book of Acts is often subtitled the Acts of the Apostles. A more accurate subtitle would be Acts of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is mentioned sixty times. Jesus’ parting words in Acts 1:4-8 address the promise of the Father. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is about to be fulfilled.

Ten days later the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and experienced a reversal of the tower of Babel where languages were confused but now the Holy Spirit enabled everyone to hear the gospel preached by Peter in their own language.

As you read through the books of Acts, notice what role the Holy Spirit played in the life of the early church and the teaching of the Apostles.

- 2:4 “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit …”

- 6:5 “The statement found approval with the whole congregation; and they chose  

           Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit…”

- 11:12 “The Spirit told me to go with them without misgivings…”  

-16:6 “… having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia.”

In the verses listed, did you notice the role of the Holy Spirit? One could easily draw from the book of Acts that without the Holy Spirit, Luke would not have written Acts. Secondly, without the filling of the Holy Spirit, man would lack the power to live in the power of the resurrection of Jesus.  

The New Testament uses a variety of terms when describing the initial impact of the Holy Spirit:

-          Baptism of the Holy Spirit

-          Filled with the Holy Spirit

-          Indwelt by the Holy Spirit

-          Empowered by the Holy Spirit

-          The Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the Word

All these terms teach us that when we put our faith in Jesus for salvation, the Holy Spirit is given as assurance of salvation. Calling out to Jesus to be saved (Romans 10:13) releases the Holy Spirit into the life of the one calling to Jesus. There is no begging or pleading for the Holy Spirit. He fills you upon salvation. Jesus promised the disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit as a comforter and helper. (John 14).

The Bible does not teach two levels of believers: baptized in the Spirit and not baptized in the Spirit. First Corinthians 12:13, “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.”

Baptism of the Holy Spirit is our identification with Christ and with the body of Christ. To be baptized into the body of Christ is to be placed in Christ. Baptism in water is our testimony of begin baptized by the Holy Spirit.

See you Sunday,

Dr. Scott Kallem