Just a Thought


Topic: Enoch Walked with God

During the month of June, the Bible reading is Genesis 1-25. Today, I want to challenge you to live like Enoch. You will discover Enoch in Genesis 5:21-24, Hebrews 11:5 and Jude 1:14-15.

The Bible tells us nothing about the early years of Enoch. All we know is that at the age of 65, Enoch became the father of a child whom he named Methuselah. After that child was born, we are told that Enoch lived 300 years. The Bible outlines his relationship with God by what took place during those 300 years.

Enoch walked with God.

The word “walk” is the biblical expression of fellowship and obedience that results in divine favor. It refers to a manner of life that results in a person living in nearness to the Lord. This is the kind of walk Enoch had with God. It is the kind of walk Amos refers to in Amos 3:3 “Can two walk together, except they be agreed.” It is a walk of dedication and devotion. Enoch demonstrated the meaning of his name, “dedicated.”

Enoch talked about God.

Jude tells us that Enoch was a prophet. He preached to the people of his generation about the coming judgment and of the need for repentance. He was a hard preacher with a hard message. He was saved and he wanted others to know about this God he served. He also knew that judgment was coming and he wanted others to miss it.

-          Enoch proclaimed the second coming of Christ (14).

-          Enoch proclaimed judgment on false teachers (15).

We find Enoch preaching a hard message for a hardened people.

God took Enoch.

The reward for walking with God and talking with God is that God took Enoch from an evil world and the presence of sin. He took Enoch from destruction and wrath. Jesus is going to take you to a place where sin cannot follow. And He is going to take you there before the destruction because you are in Christ and you please Him.

I find it interesting that the only quote we have from Enoch’s prophesying recorded (in Jude) refers to the victory of Jesus riding on the white horse of Revelation 19.

As a result of Enoch’s life (Hebrews 11:5), his testimony pleased God. Does your testimony please God? The kind of life that Enoch exhibited is the same kind of life that needs to be seen in your life and mine.

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem