Just a Thought

Topic: The Rainbow

Rainbows have come to mean many things in various societies, cultures and religions. But to find the true reason for and meaning behind the rainbow, we look to the Bible.

The narrative found in Genesis 6-9 tells of Noah and his family, who built the ark because they had found favor in God’s eyes. In this account, God was holding humankind accountable for the evil ways and the wickedness that had consumed them all–except for Noah. He was found blameless. God chose Noah and his family to carry out the plans of building the ark to save not only themselves, but all the animals on earth.

After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah and all humanity. He would never again destroy all life by flooding the earth. God set the rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise to Noah and for all generations to come. The rainbow served as a reminder of God’s great love and care for them, even during the most devastating of times.

When we see rainbows today, we know that every rainbow is still a sign of the covenant made thousands and thousands of years ago between God and all generations of humanity. We can trust that God will remain faithful to His promise and that never again will another flood wipe out all life on earth. God made a powerful covenant rooted in grace, love and forgiveness. God made a covenant that He still honors today. The rainbow reminds us that we can trust God’s faithfulness no matter what we are going through.

Here are a few other promises in scripture for you to enjoy just as much as seeing a rainbow.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Jeremiah 29:12

Isaiah 40:29

Psalm 23:4

Psalm 37:4

John 14:27

Romans 10:9

James 1:5

I John 1:9

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem