It's Just a Season

It’s just a season. It won’t last long.

Life can be hard. Struggles are real. In so many seasons of life we just rush through, longing to get to the next one. 

When you’re single, you can’t wait to be married.

Then you’re married and can’t wait to grow your family.

Then comes the baby in the baby carriage—

Dirty diapers, sleepless nights and teething.

Screaming toddler, a house to clean and mounds of laundry.

Careers to build and bills to pay.

Then off to school—

Homework, projects and activities.

Busy, busy, busy.


You're raising teens and caring for elderly parents.

These days can be long but the years are short. In the midst of trying to survive, we miss out on so many opportunities. We miss the moments that one day we will look back on and wish we wouldn’t have taken for granted.

So I challenge you to take the time to embrace it. Feel it. Remember it. Enjoy the moments. Don’t let them slip by. One day you will look back and be on the other side.

Careers take off, life gets busy and it’s no longer just the two of you.

One day your baby will be too big to hold.

One day there won’t be toys all over the floors (but there will always be dishes in the sink).

One day your children will leave the nest to build a life of their own.

Parents get old and pass away.

Then the quiet sets in. Where did time go?

So, yes. It’s just a season. And it won’t last long.

But it’s just a season. Don’t miss it for anything!

Psalm 90:10

“Our lives last seventy years or, if we are strong, eighty years. Even the best of them are struggle and sorrow; indeed, they pass quickly and we fly away.”

John 10:10 

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.”
