Just a Thought

Topic: Danger of Drifting

Throughout the book of Hebrews, one will read five warning passages or wake-up calls that should "stir" us in our life with Christ. The wake-up calls present the danger of drifting away from God’s best.

1st WAKE-UP CALL (Hebrews 2:1-4): The neglecting of one’s salvation.

It’s important that we realize how the book is structured in order to understand the message. Everything that comes before chapter 2 is pure teaching about Christ and who He is. Then, that picture is interrupted in Hebrews 2:1-4 with the first warning passage, which is also called "exhortation.” When the believer loses sight of Jesus as the object and subject of worship, drifting occurs. Being reminded of one’s salvation through Jesus keeps the believer’s heart in tune with Jesus.

2nd WAKE-UP CALL (Hebrews 3:7-4:13): The problem of unbelieving believers.

Hebrews addresses real problems that real believers face every day. In chapter three, we see the problem of unbelieving believers. It is not a contradiction of terms to speak about unbelieving believers. I believe totally in Jesus Christ for my salvation and eternal life. And I am convinced I’m saved and that the "work He began in me He will complete unto the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:6). But when He says, "Cast all your cares upon Me for I care for you..." (1 Peter 5:7), I struggle with that at times, most of the time if I am honest. Otherwise, I’d never have a care because they would be all His. How about you? Do you struggle like me and experience the same thing? If so, then at times we are unbelieving believers.

3rd WAKE-UP CALL (Hebrews 5:11-14): The lack of a desire to hear God’s Word.

Hebrews 5:8-10 paints a beautiful picture of Jesus. Verse 11 addresses the danger of dull ears. Drifting takes place when there is no push to hear God’s Word.

4th WAKE-UP CALL (Hebrews 10:26-31): The real problem of willfully sinning.

This warning section talks about sinning willfully. A lifestyle with no repentance receives no forgiveness. Do Christians willfully sin (sin by planning to do it)?

Spiritually drifting takes place when willful sinning becomes a pattern whereby a believer gets used to certain sins. These patterns of sinning dominate and control. Have you ever known a believer who justifies their sin and will never say they are wrong? Read Hebrews 10:26. We are warned about this very real problem and its bad effects in our lives.

5th WAKE-UP CALL (Hebrews 12:25): The danger of refusing to hear "…Him who speaks from heaven..."

Are you open to hearing others speak God’s word into your life? Do you even consider what other believers have to say?

Hebrews has a glory to it, but it also has a pain. Are you willing to be honest with yourself as God reveals His glory and His warnings to you along the way?

See you Sunday,

Dr. Scott Kallem