Just a Thought

Topic: Victorious Living (Esther 9:1-19)

The emotional roller coaster for Esther, Mordecai and the Jews within the kingdom of Persian continues. They have experienced a series of highs and lows. It seems as if they really didn’t have time to enjoy a victory before being confronted with another struggle. Things are clearly improving for the Jews, but their fight isn’t over. Haman has been executed, removing the greatest source of resistance for the Jews, but there are others who share his sentiment. The counter decree had been signed, but the Jews are well aware of the adversity they will soon face. Although the stormy winds have softened somewhat, there is still a battle to come. As the Jews face this final battle, the Lord will provide complete victory.

While most of us cannot identify with the extreme conditions Esther and the other Jews faced, this book reveals the ebb and flow of life for all people. Regardless of who we are, or where we live, we all face seasons of comfort and ease countered by seasons of trials and difficulty. Often these struggles come without warning or provocation. We cannot get complacent while enjoying our victories, because soon enough we will be faced with another struggle. There is one constant in life regardless of the season we must face—the presence and help of the Lord.

In verses 5-10, we discover the great victory God gave the Jews in their battle with the Persians. No doubt, much to the surprise of their enemies, the conflict was totally one-sided in favor of the Jews. When the opposition came against them, they possessed the ability to obtain victory in every excursion. Can you imagine the joy and surprise as the reports began to come in throughout the kingdom? Everywhere the Jews had assembled in battle, they had been victorious.

We do not possess such ability physically, but we are more than conquerors through Christ our Lord. The church is, and always will be victorious. I also thought about the time yet future when the Lord comes in great power and glory. With the word of His mouth, He will defeat every enemy who opposes Him. We are assured victory in Christ!

Verses 6-10 records the abundant victory of the Jews throughout the kingdom. Everywhere the Jews faced conflict, they had been completely victorious. God had delivered them with a complete and resounding victory. That brings comfort and assurance to us as well. We are promised eternal security in Christ our Lord. We are victorious in Him, never to face eternal death and separation (John 10:28-29). 

Notice verse 10–according to the accepted rules of engagement in that day, the Jews had every right to plunder their adversaries and take their possessions as the spoils of war. However, the Jews refrained from taking anything that belonged to the Persians. They were not seeking to accumulate wealth; they simply wanted to defend themselves and prevent an indiscriminate slaughter.

This is a significant detail, it is mentioned three times, here and also in verses 15-16. Life was their priority, not material wealth and gain. They ensured a positive witness through their restraint. As believers in a difficult society, we too must guard our actions. Many things are permissible according to the adopted laws of the land, but our participation would reflect negatively on the church and our Lord. We should always seek to honor the Lord and live pleasing to Him, instead of seeking material gain and the things that please the flesh.

If you are in the midst of a battle, I encourage you to look to Jesus. Seek His help and guidance in your life. He alone has the power and ability to bring deliverance.

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem