Just a Thought

Topic: Celebrate

Esther is a book of feasts. First there was the extravagance of a six-month long drinking feast for the army and the princes of the 127 provinces (Esther 1:3-4). This was immediately followed by a seven-day drinking feast for the inhabitants of the palace (Esther 1:5), with a separate feast for the women (Esther 1:9). Then the king held another feast upon the accession of Queen Esther (Esther 2:18). As the book unfolds, we find the king and Haman sitting down to eat and drink (Esther 3:15).

The final feast is in chapter nine, the feast of Purim. The Feast of Purim is celebrated to this day in Orthodox Judaism and among many Messianic Jews. It is also known as the Feast of Lots or the Feast of Esther. Unlike the other major Feasts of the Old Testament the Feast of Purim is not found in Leviticus 23. The Feast of Purim is recorded only in the book of Esther.

Purim is the celebration of the dramatic upheaval of the plans of one particular man to destroy the people of Israel, but it is more than the just that. It is the celebration of God’s protection and promise to deliver His covenant people. God’s hand of protection is upon His children. Even when things look bleak, God is there!

The Feast of Purim is celebrated with great laughter and joy because God has turned our despair into hope! Upon recognizing the enormity of what God had done for them the Israelites burst out in great laughter and joy!

The words of Psalms 126:2 says, “Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with joyful shouting; then they said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’” The life of the believer is one which is rightly characterized by joy, peace and yes laughter of the celebration of God’s provision!

Take note of verse 22. They were to give gifts of food to one another making sure that they did not forget to include the poor in their gift giving. They were to make sure that what God rescued from evil men like Haman was not to be lost to starvation. In their joy, they were to pay attention to those who were hurting all around them and help them share in the joy. That should be a message to us. When you are enjoying life and having a good time, spread the joy around. Recognize that even when you have cause to rejoice, there are still hurting people near you. Pay attention to them. Try to find a way to increase their joy.

Today, let us be reminded that we serve a God who is present, working out the details. Even when disaster seems unavoidable, don’t give up. God is working out the details for our ultimate provision in His mercy and His ultimate glory in the circumstance.

See You Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem