Topic: The Protective Role of the Holy Spirit
Acts 5:1-11 brings us to the heart of the early Church, and reveals the profound power of God’s Holy Spirit. As we turn to the Scriptures, let us remember the words of the great preacher Charles Spurgeon: “A Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't."
Ananias and Sapphira are recorded in Acts as a clear example of hypocrisy. They sold a piece of property and chose to keep part of the proceeds for themselves, while pretending to give all of it to the apostles. This act of deception was not just a lie to the apostles, but a lie to God Himself.
Ananias and Sapphira's wanted to appear generous and faithful in the eyes of their community, but in reality, they were holding back. This is the essence of hypocrisy—pretending to be something we are not, acting in a way that contradicts our true intentions or beliefs. Ananias and Sapphira were not forced to sell their property, nor were they required to give all the proceeds to the apostles. They chose to do so, presumably because they saw others in the Church doing the same and receiving praise for their generosity. Their motivation was not love for God or their fellow believers, but a desire for human praise and recognition. This desire led them to lie and pretend, to put on a show of generosity that was not genuine.
Ananias and Sapphira seemed to forget that God sees all and knows all. They may have been able to fool their fellow believers with their act of pretended generosity, but they could not fool God. He saw their hearts and their true intentions. Their lie was not just a lie to the apostles, it was a lie to God Himself. This disregard for God's omniscience reveals a lack of fear and respect for God.
When confronted by Peter, both Ananias and Sapphira fell down and died. Their hypocrisy led to their physical death, but it also had spiritual consequences. Their lie was a sin against God, a violation of His commandments. It was a serious offense that brought serious consequences.
As we continue to reflect on the passage, we are drawn to the role of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, in its divine wisdom and power, is not fooled by the deceit of Ananias and Sapphira. This is a powerful testament to the Holy Spirit's role in revealing truth, in illuminating the darkness of our hearts. The Holy Spirit, as we see in this passage, is actively involved in the life of the early Church. When Ananias and Sapphira attempt to deceive the Church, it is the Holy Spirit that uncovers their deceit. This is not a punitive act, but rather a protective one. The Holy Spirit safeguards the integrity of the Church, ensuring that it remains a place of honesty, trust and mutual support.
The Holy Spirit is not just a revealer of truth or a guide, but also a transformer of hearts. The fear that grips the community after the death of Ananias and Sapphira is not just a fear of punishment, but also a fear of the Lord—a reverential awe that leads to repentance and transformation. This is the power of the Holy Spirit at work, transforming hearts and minds, and shaping the Church in the image of Christ.
God's love for us is so great that He sent His Holy Spirit to guide us, to convict us and to help us live lives that are pleasing to Him. We've seen in the life of Ananias and Sapphira that God values honesty and integrity, and He knows the true intentions of our hearts.
See you Sunday!
Dr. Scott Kallem