Topic: Simplistically, Jesus
There have been countless assemblies of Christian leaders that have gathered together to settle doctrinal matters. The first of these assemblies is the Jerusalem Council, described in Acts 15:1-35. One thing that stands out in this letter is that the burden of Old Testament law was lifted by the cross of Jesus Christ. Keeping the laws about circumcision, animal sacrifices and the Sabbath, etc. was no longer required. We can eat bacon! Praise the Lord!
Of course, God's moral law was never abolished. In fact, Jesus calls us to a much higher standard than under the Old Testament. The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 makes this truth abundantly clear. But we are no longer bound by the multitude of ritualistic laws. So, the letter the church leaders sent out to the Gentile Christians was very simple. It did not include 400 things to avoid or 40 things to avoid. It only listed 4 things to avoid (Acts 15:29).
James’ statement (vv. 19-21) affirmed that the Gentiles should not be forced to adopt circumcision and the keeping of the Law of Moses (15:19). Then (15:20-21) James mentions four things that the Gentile Christians should abstain from for the sake of not offending the Jews. Three of these were not essential doctrinal matters but rather matters that took into consideration the social situation and sought to avoid needlessly giving offense. He advised the Gentile believers to stay away from anything that has to do with idols. This is an area where the sensitivity of other believers is to be considered. They are to avoid fornication (the Greek is “porneia” which is a general term covering all kinds of sexual sin both before and after marriage, and can include homosexuality and incest). And they are not to partake of meat that has been strangled or has blood in it. Some maintain that this is a return to the Old Testament law that he has just said did not apply. However, the instructions against eating blood was actually given by God before the time of the Law (Gen 9:4).
Paul later talked about the simplicity of the gospel in 2 Corinthians 11:3, and there he said: "I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ." The great news here is that we are released from the burden of the law! We are released from the complex burden of Old Testament law.
Nothing can be added to salvation by grace, and it still be grace. It cannot be grace plus baptism or grace plus works. Paul says it clearly in his letter to the Ephesians, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, (9) not of works, lest anyone should boast. (10) For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:8-10)
Just as the first century church found it necessary to be clear on this bedrock spiritual truth, so must the church of today be equally committed. Against every sign of a gospel-plus mentality, the Church must insist on maintaining a clear voice in defense of the purity of the Gospel message.
J. C. Ryle, a 19th century Anglican bishop wrote, “Controversy and religious strife, no doubt, are odious things; but there are times when they are a positive necessity. Unity and peace are very delightful; but they are bought too dear if they are bought at the expense of truth… Controversy, in fact, is one of the conditions under which truth in every age has to be defended and maintained, and it is nonsense to ignore it.”
See you Sunday,
Dr. Scott Kallem