Just a Thought

Just a Thought

Topic: Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors

The key is to recognize that God’s plan does not revolve around you and your life. God’s plan includes you but revolves around His purpose to redeem humanity from sin. We are most often just a tiny piece of a much bigger purpose–God’s purpose.

Just a Thought

Just a Thought

Topic: Lessons from Sodom and Gomorrah

The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were first mentioned in Genesis 10:19. Abram, and his nephew Lot, had been traveling together, but their group had gotten too big, “…so that the land could not support both of them dwelling together…” (Genesis 13:6). They decided to separate into two different groups. Lot chose to settle near the town of Sodom.

Just a Thought

Just a Thought

Topic: Paul’s Understanding of Affliction

Paul’s confidence in the care and love of God was unwavering. Despite every painful experience, Paul was able to rejoice because his eyes were fixed—not on what he went through—but on Jesus, who walked beside him every step of the way.

Just a Thought

Just a Thought

Topic: Spiritual Gifts : I Corinthians 12:27-31

My spiritual gifts are not for my own self-advancement. They were given to me for the purpose of serving God and enhancing the spiritual growth of other believers. Spiritual gifts are the power source for serving in the body of Christ. Are you serving? If not, you are not utilizing the power of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Just a Thought

Just a Thought

Topic: Life of Paul

Who was Paul? What was the secret of Paul’s strength? He anchored himself in a purpose that was higher than his life. He realized he was part of a work which began long before he was born, and would continue long after he would be gone from this earth. Do we do the same? Are we anchoring ourselves in something which is higher than this life?

Just a Thought

Just a Thought

Topic: Christ Crucified (I Corinthians 2:1-5)

Paul came to Corinth preaching the testimony of God. Jesus saved Paul to show the world that Paul was God’s pattern for mercy, longsuffering and grace. Paul is great proof that God can and will save anybody who repents and believes in Jesus Christ. Paul declared the cross of Jesus Christ–God’s testimony. Make your life about God’s testimony, not yours.